About Us

One of the key unique features of our institution is the strict, well organized Purdah which is very well followed here within the guidelines of the Shariyah. Alhamdolilah, we take great pride in following the Purdah system such strictly. Even male teachers teach the students under Purdah from within a private cabin communicating through microphones and a loud speakers system and manual over head and digital projectors. The students can also ask questions through microphones etc. Males are not permitted in the female area. Females can not meet anyone that is a non-mehram.

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Daily Quran

Then We shall advance upon the work which they have done and render it as scattered dust.

Daily Hadith

Narrated: Amr bin Shuaib
from his father, from his grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah (saw) forbade lashing for the legal punishment in the mosques. Daif